
Local Job Openings - February to March 2021

We are putting together a selection of nearby local job vacancies, apprenticeships and volunteer opportunities each month. If you or somebody you know in Bensham is looking for work, please check our list. To accompany this, we will also be providing localised content to help you get a job and easily manage some of the overwhelming things in life, such as finances or starting a business. Basic skill/requirement vacancies: Store Assistant - Aldi

By Alisha Jackson

March 1, 2021

One Big Garden Bensham

The Best of Bensham Collaborative consists of over 20 community-based organisations, who between them provide support for many of the needs and interests in the Bensham & Saltwell area. The Collaborative is stronger together and between the members we believe we can provide support to meet the needs and aspirations of people who live in Bensham. Central to this is the participation of local people. Our newest project is termed “One big garden Bensham”.

By Sebastian Weise

January 6, 2021

A glass half-full: how an asset approach can improve community health and wellbeing

While lots of people have heard of assets approaches, many more are using an asset approach without even realising it. What exactly is an asset approach? Where did ideas about using assets approaches come from? What do you do in an asset approach that is different to other approaches? What do asset approaches mean for communities, families, individuals and practitioners particularly in terms of health and wellbeing? In a series of blogs Trevor Hopkins will explore all these questions and more.

By Trevor Hopkins

September 30, 2020